In several vignettes from Hillary on the campaign trail, we hear about her plans: a plan for the economy, a plan for health care, a plan to withdraw from Iraq.

This obsession with plans is typical of those who seek statist solutions and abhor the chaos of individualism and the market. There is an arrogance in those who are compelled to run your life for you; they do not believe you are capable to make your own life choices.

A popular military axiom is that the plan survives until the first shot is fired. This obsession with plans and planning as the solution is the guiding light of socialism. Remember the Russian Five Year Plans? They were hailed as the proof of success of the communist experiment. They were miserable failures.

Plans value assumptions too highly and disregard the randomness and probabilities that inevitably sink nearly all plans. When assumptions change, the plans must change. Market driven plans adjust much more rapidly than elitist government plans that are slow to be accountable- too many egos interfere.

What we need is not better planning but clearer and proper objectives and better commitment.
