When the vast amount of money from the Fed is dropped on the economy it does not matter where it is directed, much of it will find its way to the service providers and producers where the money will be spent. When trillions of dollars are pulled from thin air and dropped on the economy it is inevitable that much of it will find its way into the stock market.
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Deficits do matter, but like the stimulus it also matters how they are spent. Stimulating demand is less effective than stimulating investment. Demand stimulus is only effective briefly under certain conditions. Stimulating investment pays dividends (pun intended) much longer.
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from the editors of The National Review, Hilary’s Disastrous Economic Plan But it is a statement of Mrs. Clinton’s priorities, which are giving handouts to her corporate allies, strengthening the whip hand of politicians over health care, bribing the Sanders-Warren
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from the editors of The National Review, Hilary’s Disastrous Economic Plan It is economically illiterate, but Mrs. Clinton sincerely believes it, arguing that, in the same vein, raising the federal minimum wage would actually help U.S. employers by
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from The Clinton Plan’s Growth Deficit by John Cochrane in The Wall Street Journal America’s foremost economic problem is sclerotic growth. If the economy continues to expand at only 1% to 2% a year, instead of the historical 3% to
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from The Clinton Plan’s Growth Deficit by John Cochrane in The Wall Street Journal Her speech Thursday at least identifies the problem: “Powerful special interests and the tendency to put ideology ahead of political progress have led to gridlock in Congress.” To
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John Cochrane writes in his blog, The Grumpy Economist, Christina Romer on Stimulus, 10/22/12 Excerpt: I don’t think anyone disagrees with the proposition that if the government takes money from residents of state A and splashes them on state B,
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Economist Scott Grannis in Calafia Beach Pundit (a recommended daily read) writes “Why The Recovery Continues to be Subpar” (May 27,2011): excerpt: Monetary “stimulus” that involves very low short-term interest rates and lots of bond purchases can’t create growth out
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The government has spent trillions to stimulate the economy. Interest rates are at a record low. Yet American businesses are sitting on top of trillions of dollars of cash, reluctant to spend any of it to grow or hire. Does
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IBM, Johnson and Johnson, and McDonalds are issuing debt with rates comparable to US government debt and at lower rates than that offered by many foreign governments. What does this mean? That bond buyers consider blue chip corporations as safe
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Why the Stimulus Flopped By Mark Steyn in National Review Online Excerpt: That’s why the “stimulus” flopped. It didn’t just fail to stimulate, it actively deterred stimulation, because it was the first explicit signal to America and the world that
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The editors of National Review note the destructive aspects of the cash-for-clunkers program in “Uncreative Destruction”. read it here. If there is one absolute rule in economics it is that everything has a cost. What were ‘clunkers’ to the program
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The stock market has risen over 40% from the March lows. While the administration is sure to take credit for the market, they should do so cautiously. Since only a very small part of the stimulus package has been spent,
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