from Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist, 4 Recent Examples Show Why No One Trusts Media Coverage Of Trump
If the media can’t be trusted to fairly report on successful governors, genius Yale professors, or Martin Luther King III, they can’t be trusted to have the emotional distance, objective aims, respect, tolerance, journalistic skills, or sanity to cover Trump himself.
A strong media is required to hold politicians accountable and help preserve a functioning republic. Our media, who are swinging wildly from eight years of sycophancy into an era of cartoonish hostility, are in no position to hold anyone accountable. This is a crisis, and one that nearly everyone except those in the media establishment and the political movement they support seems to recognize.
An excellent but short list of media malfunctions. Trump like every leader needs to be held accountable, but he has succeeded in holding them accountable as well. No one before him have ever attempted to do so.
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