From The Guardian, Why are liberals so rude to the right?, by Leften Wright (gotta be a pen name)


Wouldn’t it be better for America if liberals really were liberal, and listened to other points of view?

President Nixon proposed a healthcare plan that was blocked by Senator Ted Kennedy, and the senator later apologized for putting political interests ahead of the good of the country. He had not wanted Republicans to get credit for accomplishing something positive.

This is a critical time in America. Instead of taking sides we should be working together. Now is the time for liberals to emulate Ted Kennedy and, instead of automatically ridiculing conservatives for digging into questions about Benghazithe IRS and the seizure of press records, help us find the truth – no matter what that might turn out to be.


Some of the most prejudiced remarks I hear come from the left.  Anti Semitism has clearly found a more comfortable and receptive home on the left.  The need to demonize and humiliate in the public discourse is a substitute for an intellectual vacuum and the inability to make a rational point.  It is much easier to shout than think, repeat the internet talking points than create an original thought, and to rationalize an emotional argument than to justify a rational argument.
