America used to have one of the lowest corporate tax rates, now it has one of the highest. Even socialist Sweden has lower corporate taxes than we do.

This is less a result of us raising taxes than it is because the rest of the world has lowered theirs. But in a global economy we can not pass taxes while ignoring competitive environments without paying a high cost.

The rest of the free world has learned and applied the free market principles that made America great while we are busy forgetting what we taught them.

The jumpstart school of Obamanomics believes that you can stimulate the economy by spending money we do not have. (Just to be fair there seems to be many Republicans who believe this as well.)

This is risky because … well it may not work. Then what do you do? Spend more? “Burst balloons aren’t easily reinflated.”

Home owners will not be rushing into more homes any more than stock investors who just got hosed will be quick to jump back into the market. The market will have to adjust by likely becoming oversold. Government efforts to support those markets will delay the recovery, not hasten it.

Real wealth creation comes from production, not consumption. Stressing consumption is like giving a chocolate malt to an obese person; stressing production is like giving them a membership at the gym.
