The shipment of 550 tons of yellowcake uranium from Iraq to Canada. While not weapons grade it clearly underlined the nuclear program Hussein was underwriting in violation of UN resolutions. Few people I have spoken with have ever heard of this story. Google it.

Slightly more people heard about the Israeli attack on the Syrian nuclear facility actually carried out in 2007. Being next door to Iraq, a minimally curious press would have wondered where the nuclear material came from. ( apparently it was from Korea).

The ties of Congressional Democrats to the fraud at Fannie Mae. While there is much blame to go around for the financial melt down, very little was said about the Democrats refusal to reign in Fannie Mae when the problems of fraud and systemic risk became very clear in 2003/2004. The vote to excercise more control of Fannie Mae was defeated by the Democrats on almost straight party lines.

Campaign fraud. The receipts of campaign money from foreign nationals is a treasonous offense. Yet Hillary’s third largest contributor was a chinese national who ended up in prison. She received a $400,000 contribution from a Filipino gardener who earned $30,000 a year. Her husband had done the same when he ran for office, and confessed to it before returining the money years later (interest free). I still contend the cattle gate futures from the Clinton years was a cover for illegal campaign contributions. Obama refused to trace sources for many of his smaller donations, while McCain posted all of his sources. While there was some reporting of the Acorn registration frauds, it was never seriously addressed in the press.
