We hear even from John McCain how profligate the spending has been of George Bush and the Republican Administration.

A Democratic Deficit
Editorial of The New York Sun
July 29, 2008


Funny how it is that before the Democrats took over Congress, the deficit was shrinking. We began our July 12, 2007 editorial, “The Incredible Shrinking Deficit,” with a list of the deficit numbers for the Bush administration, as follows:

2004: $413 billion
2005: $318 billion
2006: $248 billion
2007: $158 billion

And, as a percentage of GDP:
2004: 3.6%
2005: 2.6%
2006: 1.9%
2007: 1.2%

So here we are, the first full year after a Congress in which the Democrats controlled the power of the purse, and what do we find? The Party of Reid, Schumer, Obama, Pelosi, and Clinton is shocked, shocked, to find the deficit growing again, even after they joined to pass a “stimulus” package that consisted of sending checks to families making less than $150,000 a year. Where did they think the money for those checks was going to come from if not from an expanded deficit?

hko comments- while the deficit can be misleading and is only part of the story, it is interesting how the press plays it.
