Hillary Clinton plays fast and loose with the truth again, telling a story of a pregnant woman in Ohio denied medical care because she did not have insurance or the money for treatment. The hospital denied the story and the story is now being withdrawn.

A campaign representative excused the ‘misspoken’ story since it is impossible to verify every story she is told but that the story still illustrates a truth that we all agree upon (supposedly) that our health care has a problem. The ABC news story.

So a lie is spoken to illustrate a ‘truth’ and when the lie is exposed the truth remains. This has to be a logic that could only exist in politics.

But many of our policies are enacted on such untrue or questionable stories. The number of 45 million uninsured that is commonly repeated may be as low as 18 million. And uninsured does not mean without health care. The bigger probelm exists from people not getting the health care that is available. Local communities and private doctors have long been know for covering health care costs. Rarely is health care denied because of money.

The gun control debate and global warming debate is filling with misinfortmation repeated until accepted as fact.

It amazes me how many of my friends accuse George Bush of being a liar, and then support the Clintons without seeing any hypocrisy.
