The press is focusing more on Obama’s pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, as they should. In the article, Obama and the Minister by Ronald Kessler in the WSJ, you can be treated to some of Wright’s tidbits of wisdom, but suffice it to say it is the basic anti-American, anti-Zionist far left rhetoric heard from many radicals before.

The fact that Obama considers Wright to be a pivotal advisor does not make it so easy for him to dismiss the reverend as the “crazy old uncle” as he has attempted. His close ties with the reverend’s radical orations parallel his own far left voting record.

To sit in his congregation for twenty years does not mean he agrees with everything the reverend says, but it does mean he finds it acceptable. He does not mind his daughters learning the view point that America is more of a world criminal than a source of justice, a supporter of bigotry more than a beacon of freedom, and a nation of greed more than a nation of charity.

Bush was ridiculed by the Christaphobics in the media when he responded that Jesus was the most influential person in his life. A man can be judged by the books he reads and his advisors. It is foolish to think that Obama’s association with Wright is meaningless, even if political reality makes him renounce it after twenty years of solid support.
