The right wing bloggers maintain an animosity for McCain because he has compromised on key legislative issues like immigration and political speech. Yet it appears that he has compromised on these issues nearly as much as George Bush.

It was George Bush who spent money like a drunken sailor and drafted even more entitlement spending, and it was George Bush who paved the way for a Democratic takeover of Congress that McCain had to work with.

Most important McCain has remained steadfast in his support for the war against theocratic muslim fascism, and this is the most important issue we face- by far. The right wing opinion-crats seem to miss this, yet this is why he is winning.

McCain will attract the majority of independents and it is these voters who most influence the final election. The independents are not “ditto heads” of talk radio, nor do they take their “talking points” from Fox News. Yet they lean a bit conservative, but would reject a hard religious right candidate like Huckabee. In its simplest terms the independent is probably mostly a pro choice conservative (rejecting the hard right), but generally opposed to the nanny state involvement of the government in all of our affairs (rejecting the contemporary left).

Plus McCain will attract a significant cadre of Democrats, who just can not stand Hillary. With the support of the majority of the Republicans and independents and a slice of the Democrats a race between McCain and Hillary would not even be close.
