American Thinker
The Big WinnersBy Richard Baehr


Can Clinton recover? She has lots of money, and an infrastructure in place in many states. But her strength was the sense of inevitability about her winning, and her claim of long and meaningful experience. Neither was enough to win in Iowa. In Iowa, Clinton benefited from a strong race by John Edwards, which served to dilute the anyone but Clinton vote. Edwards does not have the money that Obama and Clinton have, and will likely be gone after South Carolina. His obsession with the Presidency will have to wait until 2012, assuming the GOP wins next year, or 2016 if they do not. Edwards ‘parroting of Ralph Nader’s anti-corporation message would never win a general election, but he also had no choice except to run to the left of the other major candidates. With Edwards out of the race at some point, most of his support will go to Obama, which only makes Clinton’s predicament even larger.

The Republicans may rue the day Obama won Iowa, since Clinton would be a far easier candidate to run against.

So that leaves Romney, Huckabee and McCain, with the momentum with Huckabee and McCain. Both Huckabee and McCain are problematic for large sectors of the GOP. The biggest difference between the two is the potential for a win next November. Try as I might, I do not see how Huckabee cobbles together 270 Electoral College votes against either Obama or Clinton. In fact, he might lose very badly. McCain would be a favorite against Clinton and 50-50 at best against Obama, unless the Obama glow wears off by then.
