Some perspectives on The Iraq debacle

From: Front Page Magazine
Interview With Dave Gaubatz

One must remember that at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the average Iraqi was more open to providing Americans intelligence. They wanted Saddam removed and wanted chemical and biological weapons removed as well. The people of southern Iraq had fully expected WMDs to be used against them as well. Each of their homes had been prepared for a chemical attack. Many had gas masks and had sealed certain rooms in their homes. We were shown this.

Iraqis from backgrounds such as Iraqi Police officers, Doctors, Engineers, Iraqi Govt. officials, farmers, tribesmen, etc. identified sites that contained WMDs. They explained in detail why WMDs were in these areas and asked the U.S. to remove the WMDs. Much of the WMDs had been buried in rivers (within concrete bunkers), and in the sewage pipe system. There were signs of chemical activity in the area (missile imprints, gas masks, decontamination kits, atropine needles, etc..) The Iraqis and my team had no doubt WMDs were hidden in these areas.

The Agents and I knew we had found what we had been looking for. We immediately wrote our reports, which included all the source names, their credibility, their contact information, grid coordinates of the sites, and photographs. The reports were then sent to the U.S. Weapons Inspectors (in northern Iraq). This was mid April 2003. We were initially told by the Inspectors that their team was not organized at this point to conduct exploitations of sites. The sites we had identified would require an extensive amount of excavation. The actual ISG was not formed until a couple of months after the war. Not only did ISG not have the people and proper equipment, they advised Iraq was still a combat zone and very dangerous. ISG members further told us that WMD searches were being concentrated in northern Iraq, and not southern Iraq.

for the rest of the Interview

Further from John Loftus at Art Devany’s site (See recommended sites)

That, he says, is precisely what happened. He subsequently learnt from Iraqi, CIA and British intelligence that the WMD buried in the four sites were excavated by Iraqis and Syrians, with help from the Russians, and moved to Syria. The location in Syria of this material, he says, is also known to these intelligence agencies. The worst-case scenario has now come about. Saddam’s nuclear, biological and chemical material is in the hands of a rogue terrorist state — and one with close links to Iran.

In 2005, the CIA visited the sites and confirmed that they had been looted. Mr. Gaubatz’s reports have vanished and an attempt by an intelligence attorney, John Loftus, to have Congress investigate Glaubatz’s claims have hit a brick wall. Gaubatz argues that intelligence and political world is preventing the airing of the matter to prevent the revelation of their lethal incompetence.

John Loftus puts it more directly:
The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralise the danger of Iraqi WMD. The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment.

Mr Loftus goes further. Saddam’s nuclear research, scientists and equipment, he says, have all been relocated to Syria, where US satellite intelligence confirms that uranium centrifuges are now operating — in a country which is not supposed to have any nuclear programme. There is now a nuclear axis, he says, between Iran, Syria and North Korea — with Russia and China helping to build an Islamic bomb against the West. And of course, with assistance from American negligence.

There is other evidence of Iraqi involvement in terror: Iraq spies have now been convicted for spying in the US and an new Iraqi document shows that the Saddam’s Fedayeen were directed to undertake operations against the US and other Western countries.
Iraq was a threat to the US. This is supported by ample evidence. Is Syria the new Iraq?

for more on this:

HKO Final note-

At the 2007 AIPAC conference in Washington I heard Lt. Gen (ret) USAF Thomas McInnerny, author of ‘Endgame’, also refer to Russian involvement transferring WMDs to Syria prior to the invasion. His ringing question, “Do we really think that every major intelligence network in the western world was wrong?”

All of this is so contrary to the general press we see on the subject that it strains credibility. Yet the tendency of our incredibly free press is often to jump with lemming like unison to wrong conclusions, i.e. the Duke Lacrosse case and much coverage from the Israel and the Middle East.
