Ralph Peters writes about how well the surge is going in Iraq. Read the article

Al Qaeda is running and devasted by the Patreus effort. The Sunnies have joined with us and delivered a devastating defeat to the terrorist camp. After 4 years of bungling the war, we have learned and changed our tactics and strategy and the enemy is near defeated. Yet our media underplays the success and headlines the nine GI’s killed.

Obama credits the Democratic victory with inspiring the Sunnis even though it is counter to logic. Why would they break and join ranks with us the minute the party bellowing for withdrawing takes power? It would have exposed them to violent retribution.

The answer is more likely the finality of Hussein’s exceution and the brutality of Al Qaeda.

The hard part is still the follow up act. Will the Iraqi be able to put their partisan policies behind them when the war is won and work together for the general good of the country?

If they succeed perhaps they can show us how.
