When George H. Bush ran for reelection against Bill Clinton and lost many of his supporters from his first campaign could not vote for him because he so betrayed his campaign pledge, “Read my lips, no new taxes.”

He raised taxes, pushed us into a recession and lost the election. It seems Republicans hold their candidates responsible for their word.

Republicans have a serious identity crisis. Some feel that they must return to their Reagan / Goldwater roots which is distinctly more libertarian. Some feel that they should go further right.

I think that W went further right from center with such ideas as fighting stem cell research, faith based initiatives and a strong prolife stance. Meanwhile the Democrats went from left to center, at least in the minds of the voters.

Many of the Reagan Republicans felt betrayed by W’s abandonment of the party’s core principles, just as they felt betrayed by his father’s tax increase. There will be some serious infighting inside the Republican party as they try to figure out who they really are.
