If Hillary is successful and pulls this thing off – she will have destroyed the party, alienated the blacks and the youth and as a result will likely lose. But I would still be impressed.

If Obama wins he will lose critical states, 30% of Hillary’s supporters (if you believe recent polls), and possibly 40% of the Jewish votes in critical blue states like Florida, PA, NY, OH, IL, NJ etc. I predict also that McCain will eat him alive in the debates, simply because of his aggressive manner and his unparalleled experience. Obama will go down like McGovern and for the same reason; way too far left.

This race is McCain’s to lose.

Furthermore if Obama is defeated as badly as I expect then Hillary will have that Cheshire Cat shit eating grin and will return in 4 years like a Churchill or a Sharon (two leaders whose careers was supposed to have ended long before their eventual zenith).

If my predictions are wrong then I will go back and delete this blog entry and pretend I never wrote it. If I am right I will gloat about my prescience, but I may still have to delete this last line.
