An article by economist Jeff Thredgold turns the light on our massive improvements too often ignored during the political silly season.

A few worth noting:

Illegal drug use among U.S. teenagers in down.
Median income is up.
US tax revenues are up sharply (thanks to tax cuts).

U.S. Life expectancy is up- to the highest ever.
30% of trash is recycled vs 16% in 1990
Violent crime is down 55% since 1993, school crime is down by half.
Abortions have declined by 1/3.
We burn half as much oil per dollar output as 30 years ago.
More people have quit smoking than now smoke.
US exports are at record level.
80% of people are satisfied with their lives; a solid majority are VERY satisfied according to Gallup poll (listening Obama?)

tips to Dolye Kelly
