Two men are making breakfast. As one is buttering the toast, he says, “Did you ever notice that if you drop a piece of toast, it always lands butter side down?”

The second guy says, “No, I bet it just seems that way because it is so unpleasant to clean up the mess when it lands butter side down. I bet it lands butter side up just as often.”

The first guy says, “Oh, yeah? Watch this.” He drops the toast to the floor, where it lands butter side up.

The second guy says, “See, I told you.”

The first guy says, “Oh, I see what happened. I buttered the wrong side!”

from HKO
The moral of the story: People believe what they want to believe, logic and empirical clarity will rarely change their minds. They attach to ideas emotionally and rationalize (or attempt to rationalize) them afterward.

The joke is from “Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a bar…. Undertsanding Philosophy Through Jokes” by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein. I am truly enjoying this read.