The failure to address this problem will only cause it to proliferate. Witness the Democrats boycotting AIPAC- a first. I saw Obama and Pelosi speak there. The left wishes to put their heads in the sand and contend this is a minority in their midst. They have not yet learned that passionate minorities rule politics.
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“Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has pointed out that Jew-hatred is usually justified by appeals to a culture’s highest authority. During the Middle Ages, that was religion—so the Jews were charged with killing Jesus. During the Enlightenment it was science, so Jews were deemed an inferior race. Today’s highest source of authority is human rights—so Israel is portrayed as the worst violator.”
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from the Sultan Knish, The Left’s Worst Crime in the Middle East The left embraced Pan-Arabism, a race based nationalism, in line with the Soviet Union’s expansionist foreign policy. Pan-Arabism’s socialism made it easy for the left to ignore its
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From Sultan Knish Daniel Greenfield, How To Write About Israel: Avoid mentioning all the mansions that you pass on the way to interviewing some Palestinian Authority or Hamas bigwig. When visiting a terrorist prisoner in an Israeli jail, be sure
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Jeff Jacoby writes in the Boston Globe, Amid Holocaust remembrance, antisemitism adapts and thrives. Excerpt: Where anti-Semitism is gaining market share today is not among those who yell “Heil Hitler” or demonize Jews as Christ-killers. The oldest and most protean
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Besides being Jewish, anti-Anti-Semitism fascinates me because it is a hatred like no other. It seems to morph and adapt to every political and cultural movement since Moses left Egypt. Christopher Hitchens adds his thoughts on the topic in the
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Anti-Semitism continues to prove to be the most adaptive hatred as well as the oldest. Its most recent incarnations have drifted more to the left. This is a relatively recent development, spurred by the closer affection the Christian evangelical community
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