From Scott Grannis at his blog, Calafia Beach Pundit, Why Is Everybody so Gloomy? 3/21/13 So much money was handed out in such a relatively short period that it could conceivably have caused perverse incentives (e.g., rewarding those who weren’t working)
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Scott Grannis writes in his blog, Calafia Beach Pundit, Higher taxes on the rich would barely dent the deficit, 11/13/12. Excerpts: … boosting taxes for the wealthiest 2 percent would bring in $58.1 billion in fiscal year 2013, according
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Scott Grannis wrote in his blog, Calafia Beach Pundit, ObamaCare: punitive marginal tax rates on the poor, 4/8/2009. Excerpt: According to the CBO, for families earning at the poverty line in 2016 ($24,000), government subsidies for healthcare insurance would be
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George Gilder writes Unleash the Mind in National Review. It is from his soon to be released update of his classic Wealth and Poverty. ( I have already preordered on Amazon.) Excerpt: America’s wealth is not an inventory of goods;
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We commonly think of a prejudice as “unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group” but it can also mean “an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.” While the relatively wealthy are not specifically racial, religious or national by definition, the thought process behind the statements made belies a very similar
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Economist Scott Grannis writes in his excellent blog, Calafia Beach Pundit Thoughts on Why Real Growth Has Been Disappointingly Slow, 4/27/12. Excerpts: As a corollary, while central banks have the ultimate control over our inflation destinies, they have very little
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There is an overwhelming amount of words written on the ACA ruling. A few that stand out so far: Scott Grannis at Calafia Beach Pundit, The fatal flaws of Obamacare, 6/28/12. Fatal flaw #3: A government-imposed restructuring of the healthcare
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One of my favorite economics bloggers is Scott Grannis who writes Calafia Beach Pundit. On Febuary 10, 2012 Scott wrote Obama: America’s Peron, comparing some of the policies of this administration with the policies of Peron during a period in Argentina
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Economist Scott Grannis hits a home run in his blog, Calafia Beach Pundit in The natural forces of recovery, 3/28/12 This post is worthy in every sentence and is hard to excerpt. Please read it in its entirety. Still, excerpts: Businesses have cut
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Tim Geithner scolded Wall Street for its complaints about excess regulation in his Wall Street Journal editorial Financial Crisis Amnesia, March 1, 2012. In Forbes columnist Charles Kadlec responds in Tim Geithner Covers for Corruption on Pennsylvania Avenue, 3/5/12. Excerpt: But, the culpability of
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Scott Grannis writes in his blog Calafia Beach Pundit, Effective Tax rates are Highly Progressive, 1/19/12.
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Economist Scott Grannis writes in his blog Calafia Beach Pundit – Retail Sales and Supply side economics. 10/14/11 Excerpt: The continued strength in retail sales also shows that consumers in aggregate can spend more even as they deleverage. In the chart
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Economist Scott Grannis writes in his blog Calafia Beach Pundit – Retail Sales and Supply side economics. 10/14/11 Excerpt The reason Obama’s “stimulus” plans haven’t worked is that in grand (and mistaken) Keynesian tradition, they have focused on stimulating demand,
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Scott Grannis writes in his blog Calafia Beach Pundit (highly recommended) – Money Supply and Panic Update – 9/9/11. Excerpt: And what does all this tell us? One: If the supply of dollars is not rising faster than the demand for
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from Scott Grannis in today’s Calafia Beach Pundit, A Genuine Selling Panic Adding to the panic, I believe, is the perception that the White House is clueless. Obama’s speech earlier today was abysmal. Once again he blamed Republicans and the
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Scott Grannis at Calafia Peach Pundit writes Thoughts on Inflation and Growth August 3, 2011. Excerpt: Finally, this analysis also suggests that the Fed is going to find it very difficult to justify another round of quantitative easing. There’s too
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Scott Grannis, one of my daily go-to economic bloggers, write in his Calafia Beach Pundit– The Failure of Keynesian pump-priming 6/30/11 Excerpt: Spending is the elephant in the living room, and it needs to be cut back sharply. Government spending doesn’t
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A few PhD economic bloggers I respect have forecasted a slow recovery but an improvement in employment numbers. Based on my view from my small corner of the world I have remained skeptical. Many small business people have remained reluctant
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Scott Grannis, one of my daily go-to economic bloggers, write in his Calafia Beach Pundit– Why Can’t We Cut Our Way to Prosperity? Excerpts: He might do well to consider the record of the Clinton administration. As these charts show,
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Economist Scott Grannis in Calafia Beach Pundit (a recommended daily read) writes “Why The Recovery Continues to be Subpar” (May 27,2011): excerpt: Monetary “stimulus” that involves very low short-term interest rates and lots of bond purchases can’t create growth out
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