The American Catholics did not look to the government to be the center of their religious mission. This made them less likely to look to the government to enforce their religious codes on others. This was not due to a superior loyalty to a foreign papist monarch, but to a local community cohesion. The Catholics felt stronger about the separation of church and state than the Protestant pietists. Their parochial schools relied less on public education and government support.
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Europe and Japan have parliamentary democracies where parties represent their share of the vote. In the United States, it’s winner takes all. This has distilled U.S. politics to a two party system, and that makes it easier for a large
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A populist politician, whose objective is to redistribute income, seeks the highest tax rate possible on rich investors without losing 51 percent of the vote (or a few points more, perhaps, depending on the value of the margin of safety).
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It is interesting to see the difficulty the Democratic Party is having from the pro-life constituency within its ranks. I would have thought the Democrats would have been more solid as a pro-choice party. It is interesting to see the
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