The 1619 Project is shoddy history and shoddy journalism, debasing an honest accounting of slavery and racism in America; rewriting history to support a narrative rather than illuminating a problem. As we have progressed in racial understanding we seek to slay smaller and smaller dragons. Magnifying these dragons does not make them larger; it only appears so.
Read More“Properly understood, the “1619 Project” isn’t about black history. It’s about today’s racial disparities. It’s about applying current ideologies to past events, in the continuing attempt to blame the past actions of whites for the current problems of blacks.”
Read More“I do not believe that only those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it. Plenty of people who study history are entirely capable of making the same mistakes as their ancestors, and worse ones, too. “
Read MoreThis is the slow-motion suicide of identity politics. When everything is about race or sex it loses its power because it becomes impossible to identify. The Squad cannot even disagree with its own party and leaders without attributing differences to racism. Pelosi tried to minimize the power of these few House Democrats yet was unable to pass a meaningful anti-Semitic resolution against the support these few actors garnered. Yet they had little trouble passing a resolution condemning Trump’s ‘racist’ comment.
Read MoreIdentity politics only works when another identity is excluded. It only exists in opposition. Identity politics is racist.
Read MoreOn the other hand, the Democrats have a few serious liabilities. Nancy Pelosi will be the face of a Democratic victory in every local campaign. She is more toxic than Hillary. The revulsion to Nancy Pelosi was the driver of their stunning midterm loss in 2010. Pelosi seriously limits their chance of success; the greatest fear of the GOP is that she will resign and not be in play to become Speaker of the House.
Read MoreThe sign on the Statue of Liberty does not ask for your Nobel Prize winners, your valedictorians and your Mensa members. The state of Georgia was a penal colony. So was Australia. In Israel the Ethiopians, airlifted in Operation Solomon, became stellar Israelis. What made the United States, Australia and Israel the successful nations they became was not an immigration meritocracy, but the development of a system where those from the worst conditions in the world could rise so far above it that they created the greatest nations on earth.
Read MoreShelby Steele at the WSJ-
“When you don’t know how to go forward, you never just sit there; you go backward into what you know, into what is familiar and comfortable and, most of all, exonerating. You rebuild in your own mind the oppression that is fading from the world. “
The excellent and telling graph above is from Mark Perry’s Carpe Diem. The incredible jump correlates very strongly with higher minimum wages that took place in several large urban areas.
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