Michael Walsh writes The Ride’s Over in The National Review, 3/1/13: Excerpt: And there it is: the perfect distillation of the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. For Romney, as for John McCain before him, running for president is just something
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The editors of the Wall Street Journal wrote Romney’s Tax Deduction Cap- An idea to finance reform and avoid political trench warfare. 10/19/12 Excerpts: The historic challenge for tax reformers is defeating the most powerful lobbies in Washington that exist to
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In The New York Post, Why Romney Romped by John Podhoretz, 10/5/12 Excerpts: After months and months of media portrayals painting him as a vicious plutocrat who tortured his own dog, cut a gay kid’s hair in 1965 and made
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Too much was made by Romney’s opponents over the video of him writing off the 47%. The quote: “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent
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With less than 50 days to go, Obama is widening his lead on InTrade. This is disturbing. If the GOP is unable to beat Obama with his terrible record then they should simply disband and wonder out in the desert.
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Dateline 8/27/12 The polls show a close race and Intrade shows Obama with a 55.8% chance of victory as of 8:23 AM. This is down from 59% before the Ryan nomination and down from around 70% during the circular firing
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Ryan is a great choice. Good VP picks may not have a history of helping candidates, but bad VP picks at this stage could certainly hurt the campaign. Romney has three opportunities to overtake Obama. The first is the selection
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The J.P. Morgan loss is a non story. It is not illegal to lose money. The loss was born by the shareholders, as it should be and they – not the regulators – should hold Morgan and Jamie Dimon accountable. Robert Samuelson
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“I’m in this race because I care about Americans. I’m not concerned about the very poor, we have a safety net there. If it needs repair, I’ll fix it. I’m not concerned about the very rich, they’re doing just fine.
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The GOP is split into four overlapping factions: the libertarians, fundamentalist theocrats, pragmatic Republicans and the Tea Party. It would be ideal that a leader would emerge that would unite the factions, but that will be unlikely. What is more
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I still contend that merely ‘going negative’ does not work. Newt is not dropping because Mitt went negative; he is dropping because of his own comments that sound extreme. Cain did not drop because of his accusations of sexual misconduct;
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For a smart businessman Donald Trump is a horrible politician. His campaign flamed out quickly because it was foolishly focused on the citizenship issue and was easily dispensed. He has never held political office. He is all show and ego
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I do not remember a vetting of political candidates as tough as the what have seen. This is a good thing. Romney is like the prom date that was second choice. You dance and smile at him, but secretly glance
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Newt and Mitt are the old Republican Party. There are those Republican that think that we need less government and then there are those that think we still need lots of government power; it just needs to be in their
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