Their compliance and subjugation to this class warfare rhetoric perpetuates the giant lie of the social justice warriors; that their wildest spending programs can be borne by a narrow band of the extremely wealthy. If the middle class understood how much their share of the bill would be, they would lose in a McGovern style landslide.
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from Mona Charen at National Review Online, Republican Self Sabotage: For the past several years, leading voices of what Matt Lewis has called “con$ervative” media, along with groups like Heritage Action, and politicians such as Senator Ted Cruz, have ceaselessly
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The history of unions in the American workforce is wrapped up in their quest for political power. Originally unions sought equality in the workforce with the holders of the capital that employed them. Unifying was a natural choice. But their
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The frustration with our deficit and spending is that we focus on the legislature. Massive spending cuts must come from the top down. Elected representatives are judged by the spending they bring to their districts, not by their efforts to
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The breakthroughs necessary to discipline government, restore national solvency, and reinstate freedom among Americans will require the realism to move now, as far and as fast as possible. If the measures achieved are less than optimal, we can always come
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Occasionally I read where some self-appointed arbiter on the right has attacked someone alse as a “RINO,” or “Republican in Name Only.” …I have come to identify another species in our political ecosystem, the RIMO. It stands for “Republican in
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We pay a frightful price in lost jobs and economic opportunity for what I think of as the mad pursuit of zero. When, at great expense, we have reduced the amount of a given pollutant to a few parts in
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Newt and Mitt are the old Republican Party. There are those Republican that think that we need less government and then there are those that think we still need lots of government power; it just needs to be in their
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George Will writes in The Washington Post– April 29, 2011 Working Up a Tax Storm excerpts Storm, 42, is founder and chief executive of The company, until recently one of about 9,000 Illinois “affiliates” of, directs online shoppers
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Looking back for the last few years it is stunning to see how the Democrats squandered their power from the 2006-2008 victories. They misread their mandate and governed poorly; passing unpopular legislation using the most partisan means. The damage is
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It is the nature of politics, or at least it has been, to provide benefits without paying for them. That in a nutshell is why we have such a huge deficit both on state and national levels. It takes substantial courage for
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Politics like any profession has its own set of rules and realities. Success in another field does not ensure success in this one. Like any job I want to see the applicant not only with experience in the field but
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Mitch Daniels, governor of Indiana, is one of the rising stars of the reinvigorated Republican party. He is fiscally conservative, and has taken innovative action to put his state in the black. Like Chris Christie of New Jersey Mitch is
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Peggy Noonan claimed, correctly in my opinion, that the Tea Party saved the Republican party (Why It’s Time for the Tea Party -The populist movement is more a critique of the GOP than a wing of it, Wall Street Journal
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Every day on my 9.4 mile drive from my house along Eisenhower Parkway to our business at General Steel on Broadway I count empty buildings. Entire strip centers are abandoned. Free standing stores are boarded up. The Macon Mall must
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