Trump’s behavior was less foreign to their local norms than it was to the national audience. He resembled the local party bosses that protected their constituents, spoke plainly, and responded quickly and harshly to criticisms and disloyalty. Muravchik spoke of an honor culture in these towns very much like that found in groups of ethnic minorities. What seemed thin skinned to the coastal elite appeared normal to them. Trump spoke the language of local politics on a national level.
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for the its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics Distrust of the legislative process and increased reliance on the courts to achieve their goals
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics Elections are not prayer meetings, and no one is interested in your personal testimony. They are
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics The only adversary left is ourselves. And we have mastered the art of self-sabotage. At a
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for the its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics What replaces argument, then, is taboo. At times our more privileged campuses can seem stuck
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for the its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics But every catechism tends over time to become rigid and formulaic, until it eventually becomes
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for the its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics The paradox of identity liberalism is that it paralyzes the capacity to think and
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Mark Lilla is a committed Democrat who admonishes his party for the its descent into Identity Politics in The Once and Future Liberal- After Identity Politics Up until the 1960s, those active in liberal and progressive politics were drawn largely from
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Mark Lilla writes a great analysis of the rise of identity politics in the Wall Street Journal, The Liberal Crackup All that began to change when the New Left shattered in the 1970s, in no small part due to identity
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Mark Lilla writes a great analysis of the rise of identity politics in the Wall Street Journal, The Liberal Crackup As a teacher, I am increasingly struck by a difference between my conservative and progressive students. Contrary to the stereotype,
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