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Archive of posts published in the tag: Marco Rubio

Who Are the Real Materialists

“It’s an understandable temptation, in the sense that changing, say, tax credits is far less daunting than repairing a culture. But then, who are the real materialists, if the answer to a cultural meltdown isn’t to address the human soul but to say, “Don’t worry, we can engineer it all through regulation and the tax code”?

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A Want of Modesty

“To the contrary, it’s because they don’t believe politicians recalibrating the tax code in the name of the common good will bring about the moral economy. It’s because they don’t believe technicians redirecting capital investment will work, or that it can be had with no costs or unintended consequences. Above all, it’s because they believe that trusting Washington to give us a new and improved capitalism by repurposing private companies to serve the priorities of the government rather than those of their owners requires a faith far greater than any ever demanded by the Lord.”

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Unfettered Government is the Greater Threat

Capitalism works best when knowledge and power meet.  Government is power without knowledge; regulation strips power from knowledge. It is suspicious when the answer to unfettered capitalism which does not exist is  unfettered government which is the greater problem.  It is hard to conceive of distant parties with no skin in the game making wiser decisions than people who have to face the consequences of their choices.  The problem is political actors who want to dispense benefits without paying for them.

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Republican Progressives

“In fact, one of the central economic insights of modern conservatism is that technocratic interventions—typically undertaken by the brightest of people with the best of intentions—often don’t work and are frequently counterproductive. ”

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Bastardizing Capitalism

Like all ideologies capitalism evolves with experience and adjusts to failures and social evolution.  It never achieves perfection, but its endurance indicates a strength that competing ideologies lack.  We can learn much from the ones that failed, though it seems every generation is cursed to try them again.  The ones that succeed are subject to be taken for granted.  It is the job of the educational institutions to transfer the understanding of our critical institutions, and their failure is crippling.

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Political Thoughts 2016 02 09

Worth noting: Cruz stood against the ethanol special interest and still won Iowa. Rubio was smoked by Christy for sounding simplistic and scripted. But I remember a 45 minute unscripted interview from the Miami Herald in 2010 when he was

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Rubio/ Fiorina 2016

  My first threshold for a candidate is their governing principles and philosophy; how they see the world.  The last thing I want is a leader effective at getting things done when I am opposed to everything he wants to

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Marco’s Boat

From National Review, Kevin Williamson, Envying Marco Rubio: excerpts: Marco Rubio, according to that last surviving bastion of pure Yankee bigotry, the New York Times, has financial problems. What are those problems? He managed a $300,000-plus annual income and an

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Trivial Bias

from National Review, When Biases Collide by Kevin Williamson: Four citations, two of them dismissed, since 1997 — that long-ago year when Herself attended her second inaugural as first lady — is the definition of unremarkable. The incidence of his

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Politically Disruptive Technology

from Bloomberg, Is Uber Democratic or Republican? by Emily Greenhouse notes that Marco Rubio noted the impact that Uber has on the youth’s perception of regulation. The students in my class were genuinely intrigued by this innovative service and wondered

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More Than Just Visitors

The more surprising post election statistic is the strong Democratic support from the Asian American community, almost as strong as Hispanic support. Asian Americans are among the most successful immigrants and one may have believed that their value of core

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Random Political Thoughts 2011 08 17

We want to believe we can have it all without the sacrifice. When the laws of nature reassert themselves, we want to blame the charlatans who sold the snake oil rather than the fools who believed them.

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Fertilizing New Leaders

Looking back for the last few years it is stunning to see how the Democrats squandered their power from the 2006-2008 victories.  They misread their mandate and governed poorly; passing unpopular legislation using the most partisan means.  The damage is

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November 1 Observations

Some random observations about this election. If one wants to really know what is motivating the Tea Party movement it would be the single word “arrogance”. John Kerry declares “we’ve lost our minds…truth and science and facts don’t weigh in..” 

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New Political Faces

Peggy Noonan claimed, correctly in my opinion, that the Tea Party saved the Republican party (Why It’s Time for the Tea Party -The populist movement is more a critique of the GOP than a wing of it, Wall Street Journal

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