The health care debates are particularly contentious because they are a focus of the fundamental philosophical differences in political and economic thinking. While activists insist they are only trying to be pragmatic in providing care for all, they remain hostage
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The depth of the loss is probably exaggerated. It is still very early in the term of this administration and the humiliation will subside. Still, there are some harsh lessons that should be learned . President Trump may have found
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from Jeff Jacoby at the Boston Globe, Healey’s Exxon witch-hunt: As a citizen and a politician, Healey is fully entitled to condemn fossil fuels, decry global warming, and express scorn for those who don’t agree with her and Gore. As
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Inequality in American Life is not as easy to measure as you would think and probably even more difficult to make relevant. The common solutions from the left point more to reducing the wealthy than raising the poor, as if
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From Jeff Jacoby at The Boston Globe, The weakest economic recovery in modern times: The Great Recession formally ended in June 2009, just five months after Obama’s inauguration. Nevertheless, polls repeatedly find that large swaths of voters believe the US economy is still
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from Garrett Swasey’s final sermon by Jeff Jacoby in The Boston Globe “The world is too much with us,” opens William Wordsworth’s famous sonnet. “Late and soon/Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.” If that was true when he
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An important axiom of government is to imagine that the law or regulation you propose or champion is in the hand of your worst nightmare. Would you want that person to have the same power you are proposing to be
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from Jeff Jacoby, From beyond the fringe, it’s Donald Trump excerpts: (referring to Donald Trump) He has touted a single-payer health care system on the Canadian model. He hasadvocated a wealth tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth of at least
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Jeff Jacoby in The Boston Globe explains basic economics to the incredibly ignorant Bernie Sanders in It’s socialism, not deodorant, that starves the poor excerpts: “You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different
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Jeff Jacoby writes Politicians, ‘profiteers,’ and public health excerpts: “It’s just incredible,” the deputy fire chief of Revere, Mass., marveled in a public-radio interview last year. “There’s somebody who’s on the ground who’s literally dead. They have no pulse. Sometimes they’re blue,
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Jeff Jacoby writes in the Boston Globe Obama’s hypocritical attack on Netanyahu excerpts: But even after four and a half years, there has been no apology from Barack Obama for his inflammatory remarks just before the 2010 election, when he exhorted Latinos to
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Jeff Jacoby wrote in The Bosto9n Globe, No, 2014 wasn’t the ‘warmest year in history’ Well, I’m also not a scientist. But I do know that what NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center actually
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From Jeff Jacoby at The Boston Globe, White racism has all but disappeared from US politics excerpt: Black turnout has been rising everywhere, even in states dominated by Republicans. Jason Riley, author of the new book Please Stop Helping Us, observes
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Jeff Jacoby writes in The Boston Globe, When ‘justice’ trumps accuracy, journalism loses Excerpts: But Rolling Stone’s blockbuster has imploded, undone by independent reporting at The Washington Post that found glaring contradictions and irregularities with the story, and egregious failures in the
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Jeff Jacoby writes in the Boston Globe, Amid Holocaust remembrance, antisemitism adapts and thrives. Excerpt: Where anti-Semitism is gaining market share today is not among those who yell “Heil Hitler” or demonize Jews as Christ-killers. The oldest and most protean
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from Jeff Jacoby in Townhall, Income Gap? Not Many are Obsessed Excerpts: How many shared Obama’s view that the gap between rich and poor is the issue that should concern us most? Four percent. Obsessing over other people’s riches isn’t
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Jeff Jacoby writes ‘Tis better to give, but some give more in The Boston Globe: Excerpts: WHEN IT comes to charitable giving, America is a world-beater. According to Giving USA, an annual compendium of national data on philanthropy, Americans last
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From Jeff Jacoby at the Boston Globe, Would Democrats embrace a JFK today? Excerpts: When his re-election in 1958 made it clear that Kennedy would be running for the Democratic presidential nomination, Eleanor Roosevelt was asked in a TV interview
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Jeff Jacoby writes There oughta be a law? Don’t be so sure Excerpt: Boehner rejected the planted axiom that making laws makes lawmakers productive. “We should not be judged on how many new laws we create,” he said. “We ought
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From Jeff Jacoby at The Boston Globe, Is this any way to help the poor? Excerpts: At the end of 2012, a record47.8 million people were on food stamps. Of the 115 million households in the United States, 23 million —
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