Even the most educated and credentialed are subject to cognitive biases, and commitment to a preferred narrative over objective facts.
This is especially true for a government run Ministry of Truth, no matter what you decide to call it.
Read MoreEven the most educated and credentialed are subject to cognitive biases, and commitment to a preferred narrative over objective facts.
This is especially true for a government run Ministry of Truth, no matter what you decide to call it.
Read More“There is no shortage of books about slavery or America’s founding, and none of them have been written by Ms. Hannah-Jones. To what, other than her race and politics, does she owe all this deference?”
Read MoreThe fact that the history of the Tulsa massacre is such an outrage is because it is so rare today; indicative of the phenomenal progress we have made. We cannot change the past but we can impact the future. That means reckoning with the past honestly but also reckoning with the present honestly. In Discrimination and Disparities Thomas Sowell addresses several other causes of inequities other than discrimination in the past and the present. Real progress requires honesty more than outrage.
Read MoreModern Critical Race Theory is sin with no redemption. Redemption of any sort would excise the political power from the movement. As it is practiced the movement depends more on appeasing white liberal elites than empowering Black individuals and communities.
Read More“Properly understood, the “1619 Project” isn’t about black history. It’s about today’s racial disparities. It’s about applying current ideologies to past events, in the continuing attempt to blame the past actions of whites for the current problems of blacks.”
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