“When the Supreme Court said for the umpteenth time that Congress cannot impose censorship on political critics, even if it calls that censorship “campaign finance reform,” Reid led an effort — supported by every single Democrat in the Senate — to repeal the First Amendment. Of course, he didn’t say that’s what he was doing, but a First Amendment that doesn’t protect political speech from government control is not a First Amendment.”
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In today’s WSJ Harry Reid Rewrites the First Amendment by Theodore Olson Excerpt: The critics also ignore that Citizens United and McCutcheon make it easier for the unions on which the Democrats rely to spend money on elections. Unions outspent businesses by more than
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from Reid his Lips by Jonah Goldberg at National Review Still, it seems to me this is a useful way to think about the coverage of Harry Reid (I haven’t read Kevin Williamson’s cover story about Reid in the new issue, but I
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The more I read and learn about the Koch brothers the more I like, and the more I detest the vile demonizations from the likes of Harry Reid and his ilk, who are so intellectually bankrupt that all they can muster is personal attacks on the people who actually create the wealth he tries so hard to destroy.
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From James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal, Speak of the Devil: On the ridiculous side, the Washington Free Beacon reports on an anti-Koch protest over the weekend staged by a pair of unions, the New York State Nurses Association and the
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“The alliances and relationships formed between public officials and private interests may at first seem counter-intuitive. A company may give more campaign money to a potentially hostile legislator than to a friendly one, in order to forestall trouble. For example,
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Preaching that this is not class warfare generally precedes a volley in the self destructive attacks on the wealthy. It is like the shyster who precedes a dishonest act with “trust me.” There was some news of some of the
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There are three rules often missing in economic analysis. What works in one quantity does not necessarily work in another quantity. What worked in one time period may not work in another time period. What works in the short term
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When the Constitution was written and adopted it carefully balanced the need for a strong central government with the need to restrict the power of the central government. It’s genius is in striking that balance. Rights were addressed in the
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Not too many surprises that were not predictable. I was surprised that Reid won even though I thought Angle was weak. Intrade missed that one. Angle and O’Donnell may have overcome inexperience and qualifications in the primary, but that did
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Peggy Noonan claimed, correctly in my opinion, that the Tea Party saved the Republican party (Why It’s Time for the Tea Party -The populist movement is more a critique of the GOP than a wing of it, Wall Street Journal
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With a substantial majority in both houses the Democrats are having a difficult time passing the health care bill. Either the bill sucks or the party leaders; Pelosi and Reid are political incompetents. While I agree that the bill is
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It is stunning to see such a reversal in the Democrat’s fortune in the course of one year. As the electorate sees the hopes and dreams degenerate into deficits and taxes, the administration will be inclined to spin the outcome
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Much was made of Olympia Snowe being the sole Republican to sign on to the Senate health care bill. Harry Reid has emerged from a closed door session with a health care bill WITH a public option despite the Senate
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