In the meantime, we will achieve long sought goals of dramatically reducing our carbon footprint, inequality, and even DUI’s and simultaneously realize they were far less important than we thought. We will also hopefully learn to appreciate institutions, forces, and fellow citizens and workers we took for granted and even criticized a few months ago that are now critical to our survival.
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from The Wall Street Journal, A Deceptive New Report on Climate by Steven Koonin This isn’t the only example of highlighting a recent trend but failing to place it in complete historical context. The report’s executive summary declares that U.S.
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My biggest disappointment at the Freedom Fest was the great Global Warming Debate moderated by Michael Medved. While they brought up credentialed scientists to debate both sides, the format lacked seriousness and clarity. How much that AGW is used for
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Rupert Darwall writes in The National Review, On Climate, Science and Politics Are Diverging Excerpts: Predictions of an ice-free North Pole are frequently accompanied by warnings of climate-change tipping points, tripping the planet into uncharted — and, by implication, scary
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From The Heartland Institute, Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace, writes Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic Excerpts: Over the past 150 million years, carbon dioxide had been drawn down steadily (by plants) from about 3,000 parts per million to
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From The Heartland Institute, Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace, writes Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic Excerpts: Climate change has become a powerful political force for many reasons. First, it is universal; we are told everything on Earth is
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Matt Ridley writes My life as a climate lukewarmer- The polarisation of the climate debate has gone too far in his blog, The Rational Optimist. Excerpts: I am a climate lukewarmer. That means I think recent global warming is real,
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From American Thinker, Anthropogenic Global Warming and the Scientific Method by Betsy Gorisch excerpts: Science is about ruling things out. Any good scientific hypothesis will make predictions about the natural world — ideally, it will predict at least one natural
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from Hot Air, What the mainstream media wont tell you about global warming by Jeff Dunetz excerpt: 4) There is not ONE climate computer model that has accurately connected CO2 to climate change. In fact CO2 is at its highest levels in
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From American Thinker, The Dead Parrot of Climate Change Said shopkeeper is exemplified in real life by Prof. Chris Folland, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research: “The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations on the data. We’re
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First, Armstrong and Green contend that agreement among forecasters is not related to accuracy—and may reflect bias as much as anything else. “You don’t vote,” Armstrong told me. “That’s not the way science progresses.” Next, they say the complexity of
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The emergence of the scientific method ran into the beliefs of the church and was often treated as heresy. Skeptics of anthropomorphic global warming are treated the same by the powered elite who seek not a fight for truth but a
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Science was not a strong subject for me and I am certainly not qualified to pass judgment on the hard data and the cases for or against anthropomorphic (man-made) global warming. Yet I also realize that most of the pundits
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In American Thinker Randall Hoven writes Science for Stupid Idiots, 9/22/11. Excerpts: we get to why we must believe “science,” meaning taking whatever “scientists” say is incontrovertible truth. If we start having doubts about any of it, we just might
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The difference between academic credentialsim and real intelligence is understanding and knowing the limits of certainty. It isn’t what you don’t know that gets you. It is what you think you know that isn’t so. It is curious that the
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Global warming- I mean ‘climate change’- mongers are unfazed by record cold temperatures. They are astute at explaining how record cold temperatures do in fact prove man made global warming and carbon dioxide emissions actually support their warming hypothesis, but
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Science is a realm of discovery, skepticism, understanding, confirmation and challenge. But throughout history science has been polluted by political considerations. In the Middle Ages the church considered any theory of the universe without the earth at the center heresy.
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Thomas Sowell writes in the National Review The ‘Science’ Mantra Excerpt: Today, politicized “science” has too big a stake in the global warming hysteria to let the facts speak for themselves and let the chips fall where they may. Too
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When climatologists such as John Coleman debunk AGW, the believers contest that he is not the right kind of scientist to dispute the “science”. He is after all “just a weatherman”. Al Gore is certainly no scientist and has less
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It is hard not to gloat and feel some sense of relief at the release of the climate-gate e-mails. The most bothersome aspect of the global warming mongers was the certainty. I have no scientific back ground, but the idea
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