The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s sought an equality that is distinctly different from the identity politics of today. No longer seeking to be ‘as good as’, identity politics seeks to be ‘better than’. In the binary classification between the oppressed and the oppressor there is no equality.
Read More“In such an environment, being “wrong” isn’t just wrong in some factual or analytical sense. It’s sacrilegious. “
Read MoreBias is as much a product of what is covered as what is not, as much a product of the frequency as the content, and as much a product of the context as the facts.
Read MoreI tend to ignore sources that intentionally mislead using carefully selected facts, or writers who cannot describe an idea or thought without personal invectives and demonization.
Read More“But these are stupid times, especially for Republicans, who in their pursuit of fleeting political advantage must pretend to be something other than what they are and pretend that Trump is something other than what he is. “
Read MoreOur founding was a radical effort to apply principles of democracy and liberty over a large geographic area. Before it had applied largely to city-states. As the country expanded we decry the lack of a national consensus which was never meant to exist, and have lost the value of the potential of 50 laboratories, engaged to find the best solutions.
Read MoreIn the past the media had lost respect because they were in a bubble and the world they reported did not match the experience of many of the readers and viewers. The election of Donald Trump incited such a rage that they abandoned all precedence of journalistic integrity as long as the outrage of the day fit their narrative. Their bias became obvious and crippling.
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