from The Case for Trump from William McGurn at the Wall Street Journal At a time when so much of American “law”—from the Health and Human Service’s contraceptive mandate, to the Education Department’s “Dear Colleague” letters on transgender policy, to the
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From AEI Jonah Goldberg highlights the left’s incredible hypocrisy on race in Liberals are playing a racial shell game: So: We live in a world where Bobby Jindal is a fake Indian, but it’s racist to say an older white
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Salena Zito at Real Clear Politics writes Elizabeth Warren Is No ‘Populist’ Populism does not start at the top and work its way down to people; it works from the people up. And it is rarely embodied by the far
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From Daniel Greenfield a Frontpage, Poor Little Rich Liberals: If Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden can’t convince Democrats that they’re just one step away from begging for spare change on street corners, Elizabeth Warren is waiting in the wings. After
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Daniel Greenfield writes in his blog Sultan Knish, The Art of Building Things, 6/10/13. Excerpts: The seduction of the collective as builder however is not limited to countries that flew the red flag. When Obama and Warren proclaimed that there were no
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In short, our top pundits, our political elites, our very president all believe that they can blast the unfairness of high capitalism while doing everything in their power to enjoy its dividends — and demand an ethical standard from others
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Charles Murray writes in the Review section of the weekend Wall Street Journal, July 28-29/12, Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem. Excerpt: The objective changes in capitalism as it is practiced plausibly account for much of the hostility toward capitalism. But
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From the Wall Street Journal, ‘You Didn’t Build That’, 7/17/12: Speaking in Roanoke, Virginia, Mr. Obama delivered another paean to the virtues of higher taxes on the people he believes deserve to pay even more to the government. “There are
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Yes, we all drive on roads built by government taxes and our property is valuable because the police and the courts protect it, and our freedoms are secure because soldiers died to defend our rights. There are even products and
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The First blow to the Democratic majority was the election to fill the Senate seat of Ted Kennedy which was surprisingly won by Republican Scott Brown. In the regular election the Democrats are trying to retake the seat with the candidacy of
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The Life of Julia is a slideshow on the Obama Biden campaign site showing how a fictional composite woman is aided and protected by government programs at every step of her life. There could not be a clearer statement of
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While our political conversation should be focused on the deficit and unemployment, or the size and role of the government in our lives, we have been distracted by rhetoric on fairness and the wealthy. We are mislead by extreme examples
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Elizabeth Warren is running against Scott Brown in Massachusetts. She has elicited praises from liberals for her comment that “no body got rich on their own.” She added “part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of
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