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Archive of posts published in the tag: Donald Trump

Putting Trump in a Historical Perspective

Can America survive Trump?  Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway commented that a business that can not withstand a little bad management is not that great a business.

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The Path to Redemption

There are several Democratic voices struggling to get beyond the demonization, pathologizing, and other excuse mongering.  Such attacks only cause the Democrats to move further left and double down on the contempt for the voters that cost them so dearly. Ignoring reality avoids the pain of the loss, but offers no path to redemption.

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NATO and Trump

“The idea that international institutions, built on the blood-stained rubble of two world wars, must give way to some glorious new era of nationalism is inflaming the minds of people across the West. It’s a very weird epidemic of Year Zero thinking on a global level. “

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FDR and Trump

“Putting markets under economic discipline is where progressivism, socialism, fascism, and nationalism all intersect, each of those ideas being based on the superstition that the nation has interests distinct from those of the people who compose the nation.”

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The Means Matter

As we have seen with the elimination of the filibuster by Harry Reid, sacrificing the means to the end is a short sighted strategy and creates tools that will be used against you. No matter how noble the ends the means still matter.

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The Evil in the Mirror

They are so self-assured of their righteousness and so quick to affirm it by making their opponent the epitome of evil that they have failed to recognize their own evil in the mirror staring back at them. No one is a villain in their own eyes, but history will hold you accountable nonetheless.

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Criminalizing Boorishness

I thought during the election that Trump was the safer bet because the media and the establishment of both parties would be diligent watchdogs on Trump, and fawning sycophants for Hillary. I also predicted that the left would discover the constitutional limits on executive power that they so willingly ignored under Obama.

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Obama’s Scandal Free Administration?

“We live in such strange times that the media ignored the most blatant examples of presidential campaign-cycle collusion in memory, while seeking to invent it where it never existed.”

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Our Moral Blindness

“Lawlessly “presidential” is a misdemeanor; lawfully unpresidential, a felony. A bankrupt agenda delivered by experts is sanctified; an effective one packaged by amateurs is heretical.”

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Can Bad Leaders Do Good?

“The framers intended to enable men of good character to have the powers and duties they needed in office to put their virtues and talents to work, consciously pursuing justice and the common good; and at the same time, the framers intended to compel bad men to serve the public even if they would prefer not to.”

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A Platform of Contempt

You do not have to outrun the tiger; you only need to outrun the other campers.  Voters can acknowledge Trump’s imperfections while still preferring his results to the political correctness, campus illiberalism, outrage, whining intolerance, contempt, and swamp mentality of the left.  As long as they blame others for Trump’s victory they will remain stuck on stupid.

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Layers of New Trump Voters

Most of the people she interviews voted for Obama twice and then switched to Trump. Often by wide margins. In Lee County, Iowa Obama won with a 16 point margin in 2012. Trump won with the same margin in 2016.

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Political Dog Bombers

The left had hoped that their outage would be limited to Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly, but Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose also became victims. Roy Moore may have been cock blocked (pun absolutely intended), but so was Al Franken.

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Trump and Jackson

“Like the chief of a military junto, he did not check backgrounds or discriminate against idiosyncrasies, he required only absolute loyalty. Hence he could accept the perpetual flux of his supporting coalitions and advising associates and extract the greatest benefit from them.”

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Ignore the Tweets

“What if American reporters began by ignoring Mr. Trump’s tweets, treating them as no more than the belches and embarrassing flatulence of an incurably dyspeptic man?”

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Character and Policy

The success that the Democrats will have in the midterms, will depend on the face that is associated with their run. The Democrats will be running every candidate against Donald Trump; the Republicans will be running every one of their candidates against Nancy Pelosi.  It may be hard for some to imaging which is more toxic, but Trump is more likely to have economic and policy successes filling his sails. Pelosi is most remembered for the devastating losses she brought her party. She lacks both charisma and policy success.

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Handicapping the Mid Term

On the other hand, the Democrats have a few serious liabilities.  Nancy Pelosi will be the face of a Democratic victory in every local campaign. She is more toxic than Hillary. The revulsion to Nancy Pelosi was the driver of their stunning midterm loss in 2010.  Pelosi seriously limits their chance of success; the greatest fear of the GOP is that she will resign and not be in play to become Speaker of the House.

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Focused Only on Political Outcomes

Is the political class acting like a bunch irresponsible juveniles, or are they just so focused on political outcomes they have long forgotten why they are there? The Democrats and some Republicans are more interested in pushing the racist label to the point of lunacy than solving DACA. 

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Sanity Reconsidered

Obama was cool, calm, engaging, charismatic and measured in his responses.  His charm also obscured his record which was disappointing,  an intentional understatement.  Are we so enamored with style and personality that we ignore the policy successes and failures? The media may be, but the public may have more depth on the subject that we allow.

What if sanity was questioned based on substance instead of style?

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Policy vs Culture

Rambunctious rhetoric can damage a position.  So can the abuse and weaponization of institutions that require trust to function.  Obama’s abuse of the IRS for political purposes, and the possible politicization of the FBI stand to cause far more damage than Trump’s reckless tweets, bullying tactics, and idle threats.

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