The danger of excess regulation or central planning is not frustrating the natural organic order, but undermining the institutions that control our baser instincts.
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The shift from a focus on growth to one on what is fashioned as sustainability has proven a boon both for the public sector, particularly those working in regulatory agencies and politicians who now have new ways to elicit contributions,
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“The Department of Commerce gave One Economy Corporation over $28 million to increase fast internet service in areas without it. One Economy then directed $1.5 million to a film production company owned by actor/director, Robert Townsend, and $230,000 was used
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“But what was really striking about the bill that passed late at night in both houses of Congress was not the treatment of the Bush tax cuts. It was the inclusion, in the bill, of a whole raft of special
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“The more complicated and vague legislation is created, the more powerful special interests will be interested in having “friends” in government. When the Constitution was first ratified, there were only three federal crimes: treason, counterfeiting, and piracy. Today no one
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“Such access to government leaders in a crony capitalist economy is worth a lot. How much? Here is one measure. When word of Timothy Geithner’s selection to be President Obama’s treasury secretary leaked, the stocks of companies considered close to
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Daniel McCoy interviews Charles Koch for the Wichita Business Journal I think one of the biggest problems we have in the country is this rampant cronyism where all these large companies are into smash-and-grab, short-term profits, (saying) how do I
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“This was all the more regrettable because, in a crony capitalist system, the huge gains of the few really do come at the expense of the many. There was an irony here. Perhaps Marx had been right all along! It
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“The chief argument voiced by Republicans in favor of keeping the full Bush tax cuts, including those in upper tax brackets, was that raising taxes on the “rich” would actually raise taxes on small businesses. This was correct. Most small
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“The alliances and relationships formed between public officials and private interests may at first seem counter-intuitive. A company may give more campaign money to a potentially hostile legislator than to a friendly one, in order to forestall trouble. For example,
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“Sometimes it is not even necessary for the revolving door to revolve in order for someone to make money. After Barack Obama was elected to the Senate in 2004, his wife’s salary at the University of Chicago Medical Center jumped
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“It’s no coincidence that the realm of crony capitalism is populated by billionaire financiers and large corporations. As the economist Will Wilkinson puts it, “The more power the government has to pick winners and losers, the more power rich people
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from AEI Ideas, Cronyism is just as threatening to free enterprise as big government, by Arthur Brooks and Daniel Rothschild | August 29, 2012 excerpt Statism and cronyism are fundamentally about the same things: Letting political power allocate economic resources
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Larry Anderson writes for American Thinker, Venture Capitalism Not Crony Capitalism, 1/20/12: Excerpt: The moral difference between a Governor Keith and a Thomas Denham (venture capitalist) is staggering. Keith made lavish promises (not just to Benjamin Franklin) based on the
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It is ironic that the greenest president presides over the demise of the green industries while a new oil boom is making us more energy independent in spite of policies intended to stunt the growth and development of fossil fuels. The jobs
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In the Weekly The Obama Economy by Fred Barnes June 13, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 37 excerpt: Whether by design or happenstance, President Obama is the greatest proponent of crony capitalism since FDR proposed cartels under the National Recovery
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“As the mortgage crisis unfolded it soon became clear that a different Bush was in charge. As late as the spring of 2008, only the Bear “hedge funds” and a bunch of mortgage originators had been all;owed to die. No
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To blame the mere shortage of cash for the evils caused by incompetence and corruption is the favorite lie of socialists and crony capitalists everywhere. Socialists always say there is no problem of inequality or poverty that can’t be solved
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The political stereotype is that the Republicans are the party of big money and Democrats are the party of the little guys. But the reality is something else. Crony capitalists are those who use Washington to create a system that
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