It is a recurring lesson that most voters care less about policy than subjective perceptions. As big problems are addressed lesser problems become more pronounced. The difference between the right and the left is less about the substance of the policies than the weight allotted to them.
Conservatives give a lot of weight to the economy and less to issues of social justice. It is not that they do not care about social justice, they just define it differently and believe that a strong economy solves many of those issues.
Conservatives that are reluctant Trumpers are more willing to overlook his personal flaws, presidential manners, and clumsy statements if the economy is doing well. The left weighs social issues much heavier and is less likely to give the same weight to the success of the economy.
A poorly functioning economy will count against a candidate more than a well-functioning economy will count in his favor. Success is taken for granted and flaws become more pronounced.
An existential crisis overrides economic concerns, and there are differences in policy but the left and right make different tradeoffs.
I may weigh economic concerns 60%, foreign policy 30% and social issues 10%. A suburban housewife may weigh them 40/20/40. Her reaction to the Kavanaugh hearing will lead her vote away from Trump even if she is happy with the economic performance. This simplistic algorithm is complicated by how economic performance is measured. Growth may be the metric for conservatives; equality is more of an issue for the left.
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