“In Liberty alone do the economic cells have the motivation and stimulation to action; repression kills them. And we should distinguish between economic wounds and economic disease. And above all we must beware of economic hypochondriacs.”
Read MoreThe meritocracy sounds good but like all centralized policy is subject to overemphasize some objectives and disregard ingredients that have more influence than they realize. Intelligence may be an important attribute but there are other character traits that may be responsible for the outcome we attribute to intelligence. Steve Jobs was not the result of an IQ test.
Read More“The framers intended to enable men of good character to have the powers and duties they needed in office to put their virtues and talents to work, consciously pursuing justice and the common good; and at the same time, the framers intended to compel bad men to serve the public even if they would prefer not to.”
Read More“when there is already a federal program for almost every imaginable social problem—what is “populism” supposed to do?”
Read MoreYou do not have to outrun the tiger; you only need to outrun the other campers. Voters can acknowledge Trump’s imperfections while still preferring his results to the political correctness, campus illiberalism, outrage, whining intolerance, contempt, and swamp mentality of the left. As long as they blame others for Trump’s victory they will remain stuck on stupid.
Read More“To curb the forces in business which would destroy equality of opportunity and yet to maintain the initiative and creative faculties of our people are the twin objects we must attain.”
Read MoreMost of the people she interviews voted for Obama twice and then switched to Trump. Often by wide margins. In Lee County, Iowa Obama won with a 16 point margin in 2012. Trump won with the same margin in 2016.
Read MorePragmatism is considered the antithesis of ideology but fails to recognize that it has become an ideology. Ideological is not the same as dogmatic. Ideology according to Goldberg is checklist of priorities.
Read More“The American Founding’s glory is that those English colonists took their cousins’ tradition, purified it into a political ideology, and extended it farther than the English ever dreamed. “
Read MoreThe critical difference was not their college degree, but whether they hung out mostly with other college educated. This suggest peer pressure had a greater effect on urban college educated potential Trump voters. It also suggests that many Trump voters may have been embarrassed to give their true opinions to fellow workers or pollsters.
Read MoreJoe Finkelstein and Rebel Yid Henry Oliner discuss the Annual Berkshire Hathaway Meeting and the wisdom of the world’s wisest capitalist gurus.
Read MoreBut we can not blame Trump for the intolerance of free speech on our college campuses, the intolerance for diverse opinions in many corporations and in the media, and the stupidity of much of the resistance.
Read MoreHillary’s contempt for the deplorables was mirrored by Maxine Waters who admonished Kanye for speaking “out of turn.” Can you imagine the outcry if a white showed such contempt for a black celebrity.
Read MorePatience is a virtue and a vice for Americans. We can be suckers for simplistic formulas, excess leverage, and delusions of certainty. Buffet and Munger avoid these traps. Our obsession with finance distracts from the effective and efficient production of goods and services, engagement with the customer, and the patience and faith to adhere to sound principles.
Read MoreSocialism and its cousin, Progressivism, are not the forward-thinking ideologies they pretend, but regressions to the natural tendencies of man.
Read MoreThe government of the Founders’ Constitution is more than merely a “night watchman state,” but not very much more. It creates the rules of the garden and the gardeners and little more. This does not mean the government cannot intervene in the society or the economy. It means that, when it does so, it should be to protect liberty, which Madison defined in Federalist No. 10 as “the first object of government.” Jonah Goldberg
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