from Townhall Kurt Schlicter, We Should Cheer CNN’s Ritual Suicide
The media babbles about “principles,” but as soon as they become inconvenient then out the window go those precious “principles.” A silly wrestling gif supporting the president “promotes violence against the media,” but a week before that funding a play where President Trump is stabbed to death was artful political commentary? That’s my objection to all this recent “principles” talk. They are never actually promoting “principles.” It is always a scam and a pose designed to stop other people from acting in, or defending, their own interests. These “principles” never, ever require the people allegedly holding them to not act in, or defend, their interests.
CNN has all sorts of “principles” it uses to bludgeon its opponents, none of which ever seem to limit CNN’s own actions. How convenient.
Normal Americans are receptive to Trump’s attacks on the media because they hate the mainstream media too. They are now woke to the unarguable fact that the mainstream media is almost entirely composed of liberal activists who hate normal people and who see absolutely nothing wrong with using their platform to aggressively promote a leftist agenda, all while presenting themselves as non-partisan public servants.
It’s all a lie, and we know it, and beyond the hate directed at us, having the hypocrisy of it rubbed in our faces is even more galling. You know, if you want the prestige and honor due a nonpartisan, objective truth teller, you need to actually be a nonpartisan, objective truth teller. If you won’t do the hard work of doing that, then you don’t get the benefit. You want respect? Try earning it.
Perhaps the best part of all of this is the indisputable fact that CNN’s own actions have validated every bad thing Trump has ever said about the lying media.
When the media takes a side, it makes the other side its enemy. That’s a conscious choice. And CNN seems happy to help feed the fire by embracing its liberal fascist id.
You cannot accuse Kurt of excess restraint.
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