I rarely comment on Facebook posts but this one deserves a comment IMO:
“When a faithfully married black president who was the son of a single-mother, the first black editor of Harvard Law review and a professor of constitutional law is considered unintelligent, immoral, and anti-American by the right while a xenophobic, misogynistic, “serial philandering”, trust fund kid who quotes from the National Enquirer, peddles conspiracy theories, routinely calls women ugly and fat, calls McCain a loser for having been a prisoner of war, and who has advocated torture and the bombing of women and children has captured the hearts of a majority of Republican. This is white supremacy folks. Plain and simple.”
Not surprisingly this comes from a page called Being Liberal and generally celebrates modern liberalism. But similar stuff comes from the right. My response:
I am no supporter of Trump, but I do not think he is racist or misogynistic in spite of very clumsy comments that one could easily use to draw that conclusion. The problem with this approach is unfortunately too common to the left. By painting the opposition is such immoral tones they avoid the task of understanding what is driving this phenomenon.
It is much easier to find insults than to understand that a portion of the populations feels omitted from the political process, have not seen a raise in several years, are worried about the debt and are concerned about the degeneration in values.
I could point out the fallacy of selecting the best qualities of Obama, while selecting the worst qualities of Trump, or the framing of the statement to reach a preordained conclusion about racism. This is how irrefutable facts can lead to erroneous conclusions.
Such rants are great for confirming the views of those already so inclined and worthless for convincing anybody else. Facebook and Twitter thrives on political comments with no depth.
By insisting on making it about racism, you blind yourself to the greater problem and it is not just with the Republican Party.
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