From an historical view- oil was once greeted as environmentally friendly fuel- it eliminated the need to hunt whales for fuel and reduced the smell and health issue of horse feces in Manhattan. Coal kept us from destroying timber assets, and burned much cleaner than wood.

We will see oil and coal die a slow natural death as technology replaces them.  The Tesla is not a weak imitation of an internal combustion engine.  It is an advanced design by decades.  Such a radical advancement could never have come from the existing automobile organizations.

The vast wealth in the hands of private successes such as Uber, Apple, Google,  etc. is funding startups and new technology at an incredible pace. Driverless electric cars are in our immediate future.  The Musk battery for home use is a tiny first step.  Home utilities are incredibly more efficient than they used to be and gas driven cars get mileage that was unheard of decades ago. New driver technology has also drastically reduced accidents.  The driverless car may make auto insurance nearly obsolete.

Bud Peterson of Ga Tech spoke at Rotary- a student became a billionaire before graduation and is funding dozens of startups a year from the University. Ga Tech has a goal of 100 startups per year.

Top down solutions focus on yesterday’s problems and politics tend to overstate problems for political gain.  The bottom up swell from very wealthy tech entrepreneurs will provide geometric growth in tech solutions that will redefine the energy and health care landscape in ways few can imagine.

The supreme irony here is that this vast inequality that liberals so disdain will solve the problems that liberals are most concerned about.
