From Investor’s Business Daily, Party Of The Rich? Not The One Most Think It Is
What’s more, “the two biggest super PACs of 2014,” the “Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC,” were both backed by Democrats.
The AP, using data from the Center for Responsive Politics, continues:
• “Among the 183 groups that wrote checks of $100,000 or more to another group, Democrats had a 3-to-1 cash advantage.”
• “Overall, for the campaign season that just ended, donors who gave more than $1 million sent roughly 60 cents of every dollar to liberal groups.”
• “Among the 10 biggest donors, Democrats outspent Republicans by an almost 3-to-1 margin.”
• “Among groups that funneled more than $100,000 to allies, the top of the list tilted overwhelmingly toward Democrats — a group favoring the GOP doesn’t appear on the list until No. 14.”
A little more than two years ago, the AP published a similar story, only this time it reported that “in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican.”
“Of the 10 richest House districts,” said the AP, “only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six.”
We reported ourselves in April that “according to, from 1989 to 2014 rich donors gave Democrats $1.15 billion — $416 million more than the $736 million given to the GOP.” We also noted that “among the top 10 donors to both parties, Democrat supporters outspent Republican supporters 2-to-1.”
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The Left relies on anecdotes to support a narrative that is not supported by a more complete look a t the facts. Anecdotes support myths, not thoughtful solutions. It is better to bash the Koch brothers than to address the corrupting influence that other money is having on the left. If the GOP has a chance it is to address the middle class, which has been left behind by the Democrats.
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