From Investor’s Business Daily Why Do The Uninsured Hate ObamaCare?
Incredibly, more than twice as many uninsured say they’re worse off because of ObamaCare than say it’s helped. What’s more, just 7% of the uninsured say they tried to get coverage through an ObamaCare exchange. Nearly 60% say they hadn’t done anything to get coverage over the previous six months.
Given that Democrats claimed to have specifically tailored it to help the uninsured, these results make absolutely no sense.
Could it be that Democrats grossly misunderstood the population they were trying to help? Or had they’d been peddling lies about the uninsured population for so long — as a way to sell “universal health care” — that they’d come to believe their own propaganda.
As IBD reported, 42% of the uninsured are either non-citizens, eligible for Medicaid, or actually enrolled in Medicaid. Another big chunk earns more than $75,000 a year. And the vast majority of those who lose insurance get it back within a year, about half within months.
Plus, various surveys find that only a tiny fraction — just 5% in the Kaiser survey — say they don’t have insurance because of poor health or age.
But admitting that the real uninsured problem is narrow would have undermined the Democrats’ goal of “comprehensive” health reform. So they routinely withheld such facts — as did the mainstream press, which is equally as enthusiastic about nationalized health care.
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The 45 million uninsured was commonly repeated in the press without question or analysis. When he ACA was passed Obama spoke of the 30 million uninsured. What happened to the other 15 million?
This problem was poorly analyzed and poorly understood. Bad facts, bad analysis, and bad policy. It was more important to synthesize a crisis to expand political power than it was to understand the problems and create real solutions.
The solution would have been much more effective if the problems had been targeted rather than apporached as a comprehensive solution. The market is just too complicated for a central planning approach to be anything but a disaster.
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