Daniel Greenfield write in his excellent blog,  Sultan KnishA Debate in the Land of the Deaf, 10/3/12


Obama achieved a clean break with the reality-based politics of the past by just making things up all the time, claims, laws and budgets. What he figured out is what most politicians have suspected but never dared act on, that a sizable percent of the public can tell apart individual lies, but are unable to do so when everything that politician says is a complete lie.

By every measure and standard, he has failed in all his commitments. The economy is a disaster, the war in Afghanistan is toast, the jobs aren’t coming, the growth isn’t here and Al Qaeda is surging in North Africa. Past politicians would have struggled, made promises and assured the country that they would do better. Such dishonest honesty is not for Obama. The Prince of Chicago doesn’t concede that there are any problems and the media corps gathers around to back him up with clamorous fact checks and stories that have nothing to do with the real world.

How do you debate a compulsive liar while trying to convince voters who already tuned out during the introductory remarks and are planning to wait and see what the media and SNL tells them are the best parts of the debate? It’s a challenge and it’s also the new politics where your goal is to convince unfit voters who can’t figure out how to get a Voter ID that you are fit for the job.

Among the unfit voters are a sizable percent of those who do not understand the issues or care about the issues. All they want to do is vote for the candidate that everyone else is voting for. But they are dwarfed by special interest voters who understand only those issues immediately relevant to them. They don’t care about the national interest, about the national economy or national security, what they want to know are the immediate benefits that will come to them one way or another.
