Tales from the road…
At an Arby’s/ Pilot Truck stop off I-65 in Indiana. A conversation:
” I would like a medium Arby’s roast beef sandwich.”
“Would you like to get double meat for an extra dollar, sir?”
(surprised) “Wouldn’t that be a large?”
“Actually, Sir, that would be about 25% bigger than a large.”
“Then a medium with double meat would be an extra large?”
Stunned look, “Sir, you could get a large with double meat for an extra dollar, and that would be larger than the medium with double meat.”
“Then that would be an extra extra large. Could I buy a small and get double meat for an extra dollar?”
Cheerfully, “Yes sir!”
“Would that then be bigger than a medium?”
Puzzled, ” It would be about the same size as a medium.”
“But it would cost twenty cents less?”
Smiling, because she is smart enough to see the insanity, but she is just doing her job, so she is getting a little irritated. “Yes sir.”
“Sorry to be a nuisance but your pricing scheme fascinates me. I will just have the medium; no double meat.”
Fortunately there was no one waiting in line behind me.
So for you Arby’s fans:
The small beef sandwich costs $2.79, the medium is 3.99 and the large is 4.69. You can add a dollar to any size and get double meat. If you do this the small becomes a medium but is cheaper, the medium becomes an extra large that is 25% bigger than the large and the large becomes an extra extra large.
This is some fool marketing genius’s brainchild. I still haven’t figured out what damn size coffee to order at Starbucks.
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