It is hard not to gloat and feel some sense of relief at the release of the climate-gate e-mails.
The most bothersome aspect of the global warming mongers was the certainty. I have no scientific back ground, but the idea that any group of scientists can pretend to know with any degree of certainty the cause and future of global temperatures just always seemed ridiculous.
Just as Wall Street caused a financial fiasco by refusing to recognize the unknown unknowns in the global financial market, climate scientists have refused to recognize their limits and have arrogantly claimed to know the unknowable.
Yet there were many scientists out there who for years have raised questions about the claims of global warming. Their professionalism was brought into question because they were not the politically recognized source. Using the word ‘denier’ to describe the skeptics made them seem like wingnuts akin to a holocaust ‘denier’.
The use of religious language to characterize the debate diminished any scientific credibility. It became clear that the science became secondary, the promoters of the theory wanted to believe it. It gave them a sense of comfort, a way to expunge their guilt. Even the demonization of the skeptics seemed religious.
We spoke of using this problem to unite mankind in a common goal. This is not the language of science. Like a religion belief may be very resistant to any facts. The release of these e-mails is a critical tipping point in the debate and now the believers of global warming theory will be on the defensive.
We refused to believe that scientists could be corrupted by money. When money is thrown at one side of the debate we should expect information to lean toward that side, but we should question its credibility.
And yet again we see a compliant media more willing to confirm their own beliefs than to ask intelligent questions.
It is our nature to accept lies that give us comfort and certainty. That is why the truth is so difficult for many to accept, much less work to uncover. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who leaked the e-mails.
I would even nominate them for a Nobel Prize.
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