The blogosphere and the unthinking e-mail proliferators have dispersed a lot of lies about Obama. Some of the e-mails are close to being racist, showing Obama with many of his black relatives in Africa in relatively primitive dress.

Some of these insinuate he is Muslim in spite of his denials, and try to paint a fearful picture based on wacko groups who claim to support him. Some of these are sophisticated lies, such as the supposed Maureen Dowd’s NYT editorial about the illegal campaign donation’s to Obama’s campaign from Saudi financial sources. (She never wrote it).

But not every questionable association with Obama is a lie. His past relationship with Wright is problematical, even after Barak’s denouncement. And the policies and opinions of many advisors Obama himself selected is totally fair game.

Personally, I don’t care that he is black- in fact I am delighted that we as a country are open enough that a minority can have an honest shot at the highest office.

I would not even care if he was Muslim, though I have no reason not to accept his word that he is not.

I oppose Obama for three larger reasons:

First- I believe his stated policies; especially his tax policies are disastrous. His proposed tax increases at a time that we are on the brink of a recession are precisely the wrong policy. His tax policies will reduce revenues ( in spite of his intentions) while his spending plans will increase the deficit. Russia’s adventures reminds us the Cold War has only paused, and may require a reversal of declines in military spending. His speeches against free trade (reversing the success of Bill Clinton) is dangerous economic policy at worst; political pandering at best. His “energy dividend” giving $1,000 to every low income voter paid for by confiscating the profits of oil companies is naive, shameless, socialist theft. To punish a domestic energy developing industry in the name of energy independence when we need to develop more domestic resources is utter nonsense. (Exxon’ s stock price in down 20% since last May.)

I do agree that we need to develop alternative fuels, and I applaud his embrace of Zubrin’s plan to require domestic vehicles to be flex fuel compatible. But many of his other proposals rely too much on the heavy hand of government.

Second- his associations do concern me. Shaking off Reverend Wright may be politically necessary, but it does not answer for the 15 years associated with him before hand. And I believe Obama’s original responses to the firebrand speeches on YouTube were less that honest. Even if Obama denounces him now, his judgment remains questioned. While Wright is the most controversial there are others selected as advisors that should also be of concern.

Thirdly- he is one of the most inexperienced candidates for the highest office I can ever remember. Running large organizations is not something easily learned on the spot, and the federal government is about as complicated an organization as can ever be imagined. You have to have some experience just to be able to appoint competent administrators. He has never headed any organization of any size larger than his campaign staff. He has no military experience. His Senate experience is almost too short to count, and experience as a state legislator is pitifully weak. Should “community organizer” even be listed on a resume for President?

He is a bright guy with Ivey league pedigrees with some bold ideas- only a strong self confidence and ego has brought him to this point. Otherwise he is a dime-a-dozen political thinker with little practical experience who in my opinion is singularly unqualified for this office.

There are a lot of lies about Obama circulating. But there is also a lot of truth that his supporters should come to accept.
