The attempt to assassinate Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard because of his cartoon depicting Muhammend with a bomb in his turban reminds us that the threat of Islamic theo-fascism is not limited to the Middel East, and simplistic “exit strategies” will not end the threat. The question I prefer to put to the candidates is not whether to exit Iraq, but what will you do after?
While the West tolerates a controversial publicly finded “Piss Christ” by Robert Maplethorpe, there is not nearly a loud enough howl over this threat to our most basic right. Such threats should be condemned without condition and without the admonishment to be more “sensitive”.
In the 2/15/08 WSJ article “Free Speech and Radical Isalm”, the author, Fleming Rose, wrote of a conversation between Pablo Picasso and a German officer during WWII.
“Oh, you are the one who created Guernica,” referring to the famous painting of a German bombing of a Basque town by that name in 1937.
Pablo paused for a second and replied, “No it wasn’t me, it was you.”