The greatest scandal from the Bill Clinton presidency has been largely unreported. His Balkan policy aided al-Qaeda operations, consistently supporting Bonian Muslims against the Serbs, and strengthening the radical Muslim base in Europe. Bosnia became an important terrorist staging ground.

Clinton not only carried out an air war against the Serbs through NATO without consulting Congress, he continued to bomb the Serbs AFTER the House voted against legislation to authorize the air war.

from “33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask” by Thomas E Woods, Jr.

from HKO

to be fair, didn’t Reagan’s support of al-Qaeda in Afganistan against the Russians also contribute to their rise in their power? In another chapter in the book Woods dispels the common myth that conservatives are more likely to get us into foreign wars than liberals. Vietnam and WWI in his view were the result of utopian goverment desires to shape the world to their vision.

The US entry into WWI under Wilson allowed the treacherously counterproductive terms to be forced on Germany that so easily led to WWII. In 1939 we would have loved to have had the conservative German government of 1913 back in power.

We are all geniuses in hindsight.
