
Move over, Bill Clinton. Ron Paul may be our first libertarian “black” presidential candidate (not counting Alan Keyes, who is black without the quotation marks). Recent polls show the Texas Congressman beating the entire GOP field in his ability to attract African American voters. In a general election contest with Hillary Clinton, Mr. Paul would get a whopping 33% of the black vote — not a win exactly but well ahead of the roughly 10% President Bush received from black voters in the 2004 election.

Mr. Paul was one of only three Republican candidates to attend Tavis Smiley’s All American Forum debate back in September — a turnout that should have been an embarrassment to the GOP. At that forum, he received a warm response for his call for “repeal of most of federal laws on drugs and the unfairness of how blacks are treated with these drug laws” (a position notably endorsed by another attendee, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee).

from hko
ironically Ron Paul also seems to be the preferred candidate for the looney right, the racist and antisemitic. Politics does make strange bedfellows.

check out this article from American Thinker:

Ron Moran astutely points out that the ‘paranoid’ Ron Paul is pandering to will be uncontrollable and destructive to his campaign, which is only attracting a small segment of the total voters.
