by H Oliner

We delude outselves into thinking we are rational creatures and make decisions with facts; but the truth is we more often make our decisions emotionally and then rationalize our decisions with the avialable facts filtered to reach our emotional conclusions. We believe what we want to believe.

This is how great myths gain acceptance. This is how otherwise intelligent beings came to believe the anti Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion (which is still widely distributed in the Muslim world). This is also how the dooms of overpopulation (Malthus) and starvation, the impending ice age (1970’s) and now global warming gain acceptance in an atmosphere of intolerant hysteria.

And this is why a recent Rasmussen poll shows 35% of Democrats believe Bush knew about the 911 attacks in advance.

Multiple investigations that prove otherwise would not change these people’s minds. The repetition of blind certainty will persuade weak minds, and there is little one can say that would change them.
