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Does Honesty Matter?

Returning from Freedom Fest in Las Vegas.  One of several good presentations was from Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, who is one of the most grounded and brightest stars on the Conservative horizon. The  Wall Street Journal quoted Ben Sasse on the election [1]:

One of the conventions in Philadelphia or Cleveland could still surprise us and nominate someone the Founding Fathers would be proud of, and someone our kids and grand-kids won’t be ashamed of. Ask yourself: Why are these two the most unpopular candidates in the history of presidential polling? Because they are not honest. And everyone knows it.They do not embody the best of America.

If we shrug at public dishonesty—if we normalize candidates who think that grabbing power makes it okay to say whatever they need to in the short-term—then we will be changed by it. Given what we now know about them, choosing to vote for these two individuals is in some ways less about them than it is about us.
