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A Pitiful Revolution

from David French at National Review, The Sins of the Elite Don’t Excuse the Sins of the People [1]

Here at home, it should surprise no one that a wrecked culture is spawning a pitiful rebellion. When a population is both angry and uninformed, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are the result. Sanders’s socialism is laugh-out-loud insane. His economic proposals would combine the largest government expansion in history with the largest tax increase in history and the largest deficit increase in history. And the last thing our culture needs is an even greater sense of dependence and helplessness.

As for Trump, his “burn it down” revolution has been replaced with a “bumble around” carnival sideshow. Nobody is doing more to preserve the establishment — the Democratic establishment, that is — than Donald Trump. As a “bonus,” he’s unleashed an unhealthy strain of white nationalism and taught us all a master class in deception, opportunism, and incompetence. Washington had Alexander Hamilton; Trump had Corey Lewandowski. Our cultural descent is nearly complete.
